
An open API for disease-related statistics. No signup required. 100,000,000,000+ Requests & 100+ TB of data served to date!

Description is an open-source API that provides real-time data about the COVID-19 pandemic. It aggregates data from various reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and others to provide up-to-date information on COVID-19 cases, deaths, vaccinations, and related statistics globally and by individual country. The API is designed for ease of use and accessibility, allowing developers to integrate accurate and timely COVID-19 data into their applications or websites without the need for extensive data analysis skills.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Data: offers a wide range of data points, including confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries, hospitalized statistics, and vaccination rates, covering over 200 countries.
  • Historical Data: Users can access historical data trends, enabling them to analyze the progression of the pandemic over time.
  • User-Friendly API: The API is straightforward to use, making it accessible for developers of all levels. It allows for quick queries and returns data in an easily understandable format.
  • Community-Driven: As an open-source project, is maintained and updated by a community of contributors, which helps ensure that the data remains accurate and reliable.
  • Customization: Users can customize API endpoints to suit their specific needs, making it versatile for different applications ranging from dashboards to research tools.

Use Cases:

  • Dashboard Development: Developers can use the API to build interactive dashboards that display COVID-19 data for public access.
  • Research and Analytics: Researchers can leverage the API to gather data for academic studies or trend analysis.
  • Public Awareness: Organizations and governments can utilize the API to disseminate important information about COVID-19 through their platforms or campaigns.

Overall, stands out as a powerful resource for obtaining reliable COVID-19 statistics and contributing to public knowledge during the pandemic, reflecting a commitment to transparency and accessibility in health data.